Monday 11 March 2013

Artists I like! Adrian Johnson

Adrian Johnson is an illustrator and Animator from Liverpool who I really like because of the very geometric style his work has. It's always very colourful and clean and often, while looking as clean as something produced digitally, has a very traditional look to it. One of the reasons that I like his work so much is that it seems to harken back to animation styles from the 60s and 70s, the characters look like paper cutouts who have been made from tissue and textured fabric. I'm also fond of the cartoony aspects of the work, but the fact that it seems to also encompass more art deco elements in some cases and presents things in a somewhat simplistic style really appeals to me.

Johnson is also an animator and has taken his simplistic style and has translated it into movement in a very compelling way, many of the handmade looking quirks from his illustration work have been brought over to give the same fun look whose main charm is that the work doesn't need to be complicated and is able to create fun characters and a colourful atmosphere.

Adrian's work can be found at:
You can also find an interview with him at:

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