Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Industry: Studio Moo

In keeping with the theme of animation studios in the North, Studio Moo is another animation studio based in Gateshead.
Compared with Arcus Studios, Moo appear to have more of an emphasis on CGI and 3D animation, however they also appear to on occasion do 2D animation for clients. Notably they have also done Visual effects for Live-action footage and Stop Motion animation, particularly for the advertising campaign for the game Rapidough, which is like Pictionary but with plastercine.

In terms of social media, Moo operate a facebook page and a Twitter account and have retweeted job classified for other studios around the Newcastle and Gateshead area, although they themselves do accept portfolios.
I once tried to contact them to see what it would take to get hired and was asked to present my portfolio, however I didn't hear back so I can assume that it wasn't good enough.

They are a studio I COULD try to see if I could get experience or work with after Uni, although I'm not sure whether I've got a skillset they want.

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