Quay Animation is a studio created by Mark Jobe based in the North East. Work that quay has done includes Short films, motion graphics, animation, 3D modelling and even Video installations at art exhibits.
The Motion graphics work they've done seems like there are opportunities for 2D work, and I would imagine that even on the 3D elements there are illustration and concept art used in the pre-production process.
A bit more my style, Quay has also created mascot designs for The Great North Air Ambulance as well as other projects. This seems to be character design and illustration, which are an area of expertise I would want to engage in.
In terms of social media, Quay maintains a blog to talk about what's happening with their projects and films in addition to a twitter account which has notifications about competitions, the local animation industry in the north east and also can put you in contact with the founder, Mark Jobe.
Quay does seem very polished and their work isn't just standard adverts, as they also have more artistic things in their portfolio as well as illustration. Therefore it seems those who work there must be very versatile.
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